LPYM Carbo Lovers

"Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." - John 6:35

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Happy CNY!

well well well...Happy CNY to all!
have a good one, ya?

Sunday, January 22, 2006


This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of the month
we're gonna be having our youth Sunday service together at the main service in the sanctuary at 9.30am
So, be sure u come to the right place!

Only by Grace

The lyrics to this song is ever so true and comforting...and a reminder of how unworthy we are to be saved and to be able to stand in the presence of the almighty God.
With God's grace, there's no way we can enter...we'll probably be struck dead when we take our first step in entering God's presence.
Of all the wrongs that we've done, if God were to be petty and count them one by one, I think we'll have a list that's longer than the great wall of China!!


Only By Grace

Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavor
But by the blood of the Lamb

Lord, if You marked our transgressions
Who would stand
Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed
By the blood of the Lamb

Into Your presence You call us
You call us to come
Into Your presence You draw us
And now by Your grace we come
Now by Your grace we come

Lord, if You marked our transgressions
Who would stand
Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed
By the blood of the Lamb

God's Presence is my security - a testimony

was listening to Uncle Richard share the Word this morning, and how he explained that God's Omnipresence is our security, and our comfort...and how he further gave illustrations.

Looking back and reflecting, I realise that God has, in my ways, been my great big security blanket over the years, even in the smallest of things. Let me just list out a few...
1. Back in the days of having exams, I used to freak out and have cold feet, esp in my poly days. Every paper that I sat for, I would always pray for wisdom and a calm mind, and I juz felt that sense of calmness coming over me. There were times when I had mental block, and I really didn't know how to answer the questions. Somehow, this little voice inside me reminded me that God was there, and that He'll help me. He did!

2. Just recently, I finished my studies, and came back to find a job. Had my first interview...freaked out a lot...did all the prep that I could, but I was just so nervous as I went to my work place, and waited for my turn to be interviewed. Kept telling myself to be calm and to take it easy cos everything's in God's hands and in His control. The music was playing in the restaurant, and in all anxiety, I managed to calm down and listen to the music. It was the instrumental version of a Christian song! That's like God telling me "I'm with u!!"

So yah...God' presence is my security.
I guess we have to really believe first, and then really trust.